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http://www.100md.com 2014年6月18日 《医学信息》 201424
     摘要:目的 通过中医辩证护理,减轻患者眩晕症状,缩短病程,预防复发。方法 将88例眩晕患者运用中医整体辩证综合护理,观察此方法的临床效应及可行性。结合现代医学检查诊断和中医辨证施治,通过评估、诊断,制定整体辩证护理措施。结果 88例患者中,治愈19例,好转67例,有效率97%。结论 眩晕患者通过现代中医辩证护理,明显提高疗效,促进康复,且能明显提高患者的遵医行为,实为一项有效的护理措施。


    Vertebral-Basilar Artery Insufficiency Vertigo TCM Dialectical Nursing

    WANG Ping,HUANG Yan,ZHAO Yun-yun

    (Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Wuhan City Wuchang hospital,Wuhan 430063,Hubei,China)

    Abstract:Objective Through the Chinese medicine dialectical nursing, reduce the symptoms of patients with vertigo, shorten the course of disease, prevention of recurrence. Methods 88 cases of vertigo patients using traditional Chinese medicine and the whole dialectical nursing ......

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